Old mates and eternity

Last night l played the card game 500 on line with some old friends. Old is a relative term l know, but two of us date back to school days in the 1960’s, so yes it’s been a while. But as soon as those cards are dealt it feels like yesterday. I’m in the zone. How’s my hand? Should l give an opening call? What’s my best suit, and on it goes. Three games later, a bit of a catch up and it’s a “see you all again in 2025”.

Is it a close relationship? Well yes, at least at one level. We’ve seen a lot of water flow under the bridge, and in our younger days, we were quite the adventurers. I’m good with that.
There’s something comforting about quite connecting points with good friends. No fanfare, no deep and meaningfuls, just old mates doing something they’ll enjoy occasionally for the rest of their lives. And in the same breath, l do want to find time to ask questions like “Has your life turned out the way you expected it to turn out?”or “Is there something on your bucket list you’d like to do before we ‘shuffle off this mortal coil’? But during a game of 500 is not the time to do it. So when will l have that chat with any of them? Well possibly never unless l initiate it.

We’re all a different type of busy these days. Some of us have grand kids duties, or playing golf (or pickle ball), or taking up art classes, or writing a book, or traveling around Australia in a caravan, etc. Our options seem endless. So much to do and so little time.
I love the bible verse that says “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.” Matt 6:33. This life is temporary, no matter how good it is. What are we doing each day that includes eternal consequences? Like in the best selling book “The Pilgrim’s Progress” we’re all going to face the inevitable someday. I reckon we may as well come face to face with it today, make our peace with God, and get on with our life like we’re living for more than just ourselves. Oh yes and enjoy a game of 500 with some old mates occasionally – why not!

What do you reckon? Would love to hear your thoughts.
Brendon “Your Deal” Clancy